Tranlsate from latin to English:
dea consilium cepit. Dido et Aeneas venationem ducebant; Iuno magnam tempestatem misit. Regina et Aeneas ad speluncam fugerunt: hic manebant: hic amaverunt. Dido Laeta nunc Aenean maritum vocebat.

Respuesta :

Goddess plan. Dido and Aeneas brought the game; Juno has sent a great storm. The queen and Aeneas cave fled stood here, is loved. She now jasmine her husband vocebat.


Goddess plan. Dido and Aeneas brought the game; Juno has sent a great storm. The queen and Aeneas cave fled stood here, is loved. She now jasmine her husband?


:) hope this helped