Respuesta :


Lorrin A. Thurston, (born July 31, 1858, Honolulu—died May 11, 1931, Honolulu), leader of Hawaiians who opposed the monarchy and favoured U.S. annexation of the islands.

Thurston was the son of American missionaries in Hawaii. He attended Oahu College and then studied law with the attorney general of Hawaii. In 1880 Thurston went to the U.S. mainland to complete his legal education at Columbia University. He returned to Hawaii in 1883 and established a law practice there.

Thurston began his long involvement with Hawaiian politics in 1886, when he was elected to the Hawaiian legislature. He quickly became an outspoken proponent of reform; he advocated a reduction in monarchical power and an end to official corruption. When the reform efforts failed, he became a leader in the 1887 revolution. He helped draft a new constitution, and he joined the powerful reform Cabinet as minister of the interior.

In 1890, as native Hawaiians rallied around King Kalakaua, Thurston and other reformers were forced out of office. He retained his seat in the legislature until 1892, when he went to Washington in an effort to facilitate U.S. annexation. Back in Hawaii in 1893, he was a central figure in the revolution that toppled Queen Liliuokalani. Thurston helped set up a provisional government and then returned to the U.S. mainland to win support for the new government and to continue his work for annexation. In May 1893 Thurston was appointed envoy to the United States. Back in Hawaii the following year, Thurston helped draft the constitution of the Republic of Hawaii. The remainder of his political career—until 1898—was highlighted by his successful efforts on behalf of annexation and his support for Hawaiian backing of the United States during the Spanish–American War. From 1898 to his death, Thurston devoted himself to business. He owned and operated the Honolulu Advertiser and worked energetically to develop the tourist and pineapple industries.
