Match the vocabulary word with its definition. Match the items in the left column to the items in the right column.
1. presuppositiona prediction made or conclusion drawn from insight gained from an established principle or law
2. quantitativean initial proposed explanation for a phenomenon
3. deductive reasoningA statement that explains what something does under similar conditions and is broadly agreed upon by the science community.
4. subjectivereal reasoning based on facts
5. lawinitial idea which is believed to be true
6. hypothesisgeneralized descriptions based on senses
7. theorydescription based on numbers, mathematics, or measurements
8. .qualitativeideas resulting from the personal feelings, emotions, or bias
9. objectivea generalized model that explains how something happens and is used to explain observations

Respuesta :



In English, vocabulary words help students to learn be words, improve his/her learning and explore languages. We were told to find the words that suit the meaning below,

1. presuppositiona prediction made or conclusion drawn from insight gained from an established principle or law

(Deductive reasoning)

Deductive reasoning, can as well be regarded as deductive logic, and can be explained as is process of reasoning as result from more than one statements (premises).

2. quantitativean initial proposed explanation for a phenomenon


Hypothesis could be regarded as

supposition/ proposed explanation that is drawn from evidence which is limited

3. deductive reasoningA statement that explains what something does under similar conditions and is broadly agreed upon by the science community.


4. subjectivereal reasoning based on facts


5) Initial idea which is believed to be true and is used as a basis (starting point) from which further reasoning and conclusions are made.


Presupposition related to things at the

beginning of a line of argument usually at starting point

6. hypothesisgeneralized descriptions based on senses


7. theorydescription based on numbers, mathematics, or measurements


Qualitative can be regarded as a way of , measuring through quality of things not quantity.

8. .qualitativeideas resulting from the personal feelings, emotions, or bias


Subjective Could be associated with things that has influence on personal feelings as well as opinions.

9)A generalized model used to explain how something happens and is used to predict answers to related evidence and problems.(Theory)