You are the captain of your high school basketball team. Your team has been preparing all season for regional championships and they are one week away. You get a call from your mother, in distress, saying that her sister has died unexpectedly. This sister - your aunt - has not been close to the rest of the family and you barely know her. The funeral is on the same day as your regional championships and the events are four hours apart by car and you do not have a driver's license.1. Do you attend the funeral or the basketball game? Why?2. Describe a time when you had to make a similarly challenging decision.3. What is your strategy for managing conflicting demands in your life? How did you develop this strategy?

Respuesta :


1. Definitely, I will choose my basket ball game over the funeral. Although the death of a relative is a very unfortunate event and as a family member i have the responsibility to attend the funeral, I will choose game because I have worked on a whole year on it and there are other individuals also who are dependent on me. One can mourn the dead after but the game will  not come later.

2. I had a near incident like this during my final year exams when one of my friend got into a serious car accident the night before my exam. I was really shocked to hear the news and wanted to go and meet him but could not as i had an important exam the very next and had to wake up early.

3. While managing conflicting demands, I always ask myself only one question, what is the bigger priority and which of the decision is going to impact my future in a bigger way.

  • I will attend the basketball game as a result of me prioritizing my team to her. This is as a result of my Aunt not being close to the rest of the family. Constant days of basketball practice and planning is the reason it will be chosen.

  • I had a similar challenging decision to make when I had to choose between my graduation ceremony and entry examination into the University in which the latter was chosen.

  • My strategy for managing conflicting demands in life is to weigh my options and choose the one which I prioritize more.

Read more about Decision making here