1. What are some ways in which materials affect how light is transmitted?

3. In order for an object to appear white, which wave lengths must the light contain and the object reflect?

4. If you are a firefighter searching a smokefilled apartment. Would you want to use a stronger ligt to help you see better? Why or Why not.

6.If you focus a red light, a green light, and a blue light on the same part of a black curtain, what color will the curtain appear to be? Why?

Respuesta :


You have read that EM waves can interact with a material medium in

the same ways that mechanical waves do. Three forms of interaction

play an especially important role in how people see light. One form is

reflection. Most things are visible because they reflect light. The two

other forms of interaction are transmission and absorption.

(trans-MIHSH-uhn) is the passage of an EM wave

through a medium. If the light reflected from objects did not pass

through the air, windows, or most of the eye, we could not see the

objects. (uhb-SAWRP-shun) is the disappearance of an

EM wave into the medium. Absorption affects how things look, because

it limits the light available to be reflected or transmitted.


Transparent (trans-PAIR-uhnt) materials allow most of the light

that strikes them to pass through. It is possible to see objects

through a transparent material. Air, water, and clear glass are transparent. Transparent materials are used for items such as windows,

light bulbs, thermometers, sandwich bags, and clock faces.

Translucent (trans-LOO-suhnt) materials transmit some light, but

they also cause it to spread out in all directions. You can see light

through translucent materials, but you cannot see objects clearly

through them. Some examples are lampshades, frosted light bulbs,

frosted windows, sheer fabrics, and notepaper.

Opaque (oh-PAYK) materials do not allow any light to pass

through them, because they reflect light, absorb light, or both.

Heavy fabrics, construction paper, and ceramic mugs are opaque.

Shiny materials may be opaque mainly because they reflect light.

Other materials, such as wood and rock, are opaque mainly

because they absorb light.

1. Transmission of Light

Some materials have a low light-absorption rate this means that they are excellent at light transmission. Some of those materials are water, air, and glass. Note that their common quality is transparency.

When light waves go through the boundary between different matter, they are said to be transmitted. When some of the light that travels through that object is partially absorbed, the material is said to be translucent. Examples of translucent objects are curtains, window blinds, colored glass, lampshades, etc.

In pure physics terms, when vibrations of electrons are transported onto neighboring atoms on the other side of the object, such vibrations or frequencies of light have been transmitted, and that object that carries out the transportation is said to be transparent.

If however, at the surface of the material the electrons are reemitted after a short period of vibration, then the light wave is said to have been reflected. Objects which do not absorb but reflect light are said to be opaque. Examples of opaque objects are silver and gold.

All black surfaces absorb light.

2. Light Spectrum:

If an object appears white, it means that all the visible wavelengths of light that shine on it are reflected back.

3. Light for Navigating Smoky terrain:

The best forms of light for navigating a fire and smoke situation are Red LEDs, Infrared, and Thermal Imaging.

Stronger lights cannot necessarily cut through smoke because smoke contains so many suspended particles and or matter. These particles absorb most of the light making it difficult to see through them.

Firefighters and Military personnel use special devices called Foward-Looking Infrared Radiation (FLIC) which is able to identify infrared radiations emitted from a heat source and produces a live feed video output.

For more about the physics of light, click here:


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