An overhead view of two people at the start of a maze. The person in a purple shirt has a line running forward, right, backward, right, forward, ending with an arrowhead pointing to a large gold star. The person in a green shirt has a line running forward, right, backward, right, forward, right, backward, right, forward, ending with an arrowhead pointing to a small gold star.
Zamir and Talia raced through a maze. Zamir walked 2 m north, 2 m east, 4 m south, 2 m east, 4 m north, 2 m east, 3 m south, 4 m east, and 4 m north. Talia walked 2 m north, 6 m east, 3 m south, 4 m east, and 4 m north.

Compare their distances:

Zamir walked
meters and Talia walked