Respuesta :

Healthcare workers, protective service workers, cashers in grocerie stores and

general merchandise stores, production and food processing workers, janitors and maintenance workers, agricultural workers, and truck drivers. Theres probably more but all of those are front line workers risking there life to provide for this country for a better country maybe some just do it for money but they do it for a great cause! Truck drivers are intrupted on the streets everyday by people trying to vandalize there trucks! Grocerie workers stocking shelfs are front lined with a lot of people everyday who is under corona but don't realize it. Most important the ones who help keep people alive the HOSPITAL WORKERS we should say a good welcome because they keep us healthy and they treat the paients with corona there one of the important 3 that will help this coutry beat our battle. This ain't some stupid lecture because front line workers are important i know bc my dad is a front line worker and puts his life ahead his family my mom is a factory worker and she is brought with the corona everyday factory workers arn't included as front line workers but to me she is. Im thankful my self to have heros helping us and wanting to do good we are most proud of all frontline workers because there sonmething that we call HEROS'S!! If it wasn't for people like you this country would get worse! We give our thanks and say gracious! STAY SAFE AND KEEP YOUR BEST

i really hope this was 2 minutes and just thinking abt the frontline workers made me proud and very thankful for all that has been given

and don't forget to smile!! (: