How do you do these two questions?

y(t) → 2 as t → ∞
dP/dt = P (P/1850 − 1) (1 − P/16000)
Step-by-step explanation:
The graph shows how dy/dt changes as a function of y.
At t = 0, y = -0.5.
At y = -0.5, dy/dt > 0. Therefore, y is increasing.
y continues to increases until y = 2. At this point, dy/dt = 0, and changes signs from positive to negative, so y begins to decrease. dy/dt then becomes positive again, and the cycle repeats.
So y approaches 2 as t approaches infinity.
dP/dt is negative when P < 1850.
dP/dt is positive when 1850 < P < 16,000.
dP/dt is negative when P > 16,000.
dP/dt is 0 when P is 0.
Therefore, dP/dt = P (P/1850 − 1) (1 − P/16000).