Hello there! I need help here! Everyone usually chooses the basics family, their pets, and etc. I wanna use a band to be specific about K-pop band called bts. you probably heard of them! They're a group containing of 7 members. If you're army, annyeong. So I'll give you the info could you please put it together. In the, where and when do you use your character please put something like, when: whenever I'm sad, or listening to their music while working, when happy, basically anytime of the day. where: anywhere and anytime. also mention that their music helps me alot, heals me, puts me into a good mood sometimes even sad depending on the song but never bad. i think I gave enough info for you to do the "descriptive words and phrases" and the very last question. Thank you! If you need to ask me anything else I'm here. :) thank you so much, take care!