As the story pauses, Buster Bear tells

Little Joe Otter to come and get the

trout from him. Finish the rest of the

story. Be sure to include what

happens to Buster Bear, Little Joe

Otter, and the trout. End the story

with a lesson.


Type your answer here

4:12 PM


Respuesta :

Buster Bear tells Little Joe Otter to come and get the trout from him, but Littke Joe Otter is not in a good mood to talk to Buster Bear after he made him lose his fish. No matter how much Buster Bear begged and offered him a trout, Little Joe Otter would never lose him and would still think of revenge because this story could not end like that.

Buster Bear started talking about how sorry he was for what happened and that he was giving him the trout with sincerity and honesty, because he really wanted to apologize and try to generate a friendship between the two, because life can be very lonely without friends. Little Joe Otter even agreed with that and was not a spiteful person. He really needed a friend and Buster Bear seemed sincere, so he decided to give him a vote of confidence, which worked out well, as their friendship lasted for years and they lived very well together.

The moral of this story is that apologizing can generate friends for life and it is better to generate friends than enemies.