Respuesta :
Before writing any essay, the most fundamental thing is to first have a clear, rough idea of what your essay will talk about. An essay about family, possible pointers to talk about are:
Your family members.
What are their occupation, who are they?
What do you do with your family?
How important is family to you and why?
avoid Google Translate! It may seem as a shortcut method but trust me, relying on Google Translate is just a negative thing
une famille the family
ma famille my family
les parents the parents
une maman a mum
une mère a mother
une belle-mère a stepmother
un papa a dad
un père a father
un beau-père a stepfather
une femme a wife
un mari a husband
les enfants the children
un enfant a child
un fils a son
une fille a daughter
un frère a brother
une soeur a sister
les frères et soeurs the siblings, the brothers and sisters
les grand-parents the grandparents
un grand-père a grandfather
une grand-mère a grandmother
les petits-enfants the grandchildren
un petit fils a grandson
une petite fille a granddaughter
un oncle an uncle
une tante an aunt
les oncles et les tantes the uncles and aunts
les cousins the cousins
un cousin a boy cousin
une cousine a girl cousin
l’aîné (m) the eldest son
l’aînée (f) the eldest daughter
My = Mon, Ma, Mes.
Ma famille My family
Mon père My father
Ma mère My mother
His = Son, Sa, Ses
Sa famille His family
Son père His father
Sa mère His mother
Use MON or SON if a feminine word begins with a vowel
Mon aînée = my oldest girl