Respuesta :
The pyramids are the stone tombs of Egypt's kings - the Pharaohs. ... The Egyptians believed that if the pharaoh's body could be mummified after death the pharaoh would live forever. The tombs were designed to protect the buried Pharaoh's body and his belongings.
This was the journey Egyptians believed all people took after death, and they filled their tombs with objects and paintings to help them get there. ... Beautiful jewellery and clothes were buried with a Pharaoh so they could travel in style to the afterlife.
This was the journey Egyptians believed all people took after death, and they filled their tombs with objects and paintings to help them get there. ... Beautiful jewellery and clothes were buried with a Pharaoh so they could travel in style to the afterlife.
Because Egyptians believed that the afterlife was similar to the living world, Egyptians bury daily objects with the pharaohs and mummify them.