Respuesta :


The debt dates back to when Haiti, then St Dominique, was France's most profitable colony thanks to slavery. In 1791 the slaves revolted, and in 1804, after defeating Napoleon's forces, they founded the world's first independent black republic. But after independence, French slave owners demanded compensation


here are my notes:

Haitian Revolution

Haity: below Cuba

They owed France compensations after the Haitian revolution because they had went to war with them and killed the slave owners. Also, they took they took the land away.

In France, after the French revolution, what inspiHalf of Haity had been controlled by France, and the other half by Spain.

The portion of people who had been enslaved had declared freedom.

red the French? The United States. France goes and does the same things, and then creates The French Rights. Then, Haity thinks the same as what America.

80 % of people were slaves in Haity

The original people who lived in Haity died out because of Europien diseises.

Distribution of Hatian Society (Similar to the 3 Esates in France)

Grand Blancs (Big Whites) People who were wealthy

Free people of color (People of mixed race) These people could own land even though they are black.

Petit Blancs (Little whites) People who weren't so wealthy who came from France or other places. These people were the most raciest. These small whites wanted themselfs to be higher ranking.


Slaves were banned from having a profesion.

Maroons- runaway slaves

Haidy was the first nation to declare its freedom with people of African backgrounds controling it.

The slaves' plan to declare freedom was:

           get the slave owner's slash          

           hit the slave owner with the slash and then burn the plantation