Directions: Write an argumentative paragraph from the point of view of a turkey and how he or she feels on Thanksgiving Day. Persuade a family or even America not to eat you. Give three reasons why the family or Americans should switch to a different type of food or skip Thanksgiving dinner altogether. Remember, this is the TURKEY that is doing the talking!

Remember in an argumentative paragraph you must have a claim (your stance on the issue), three reasons to support your claim your counterclaim (What would the other side say?), a refute (how do you attack the other side back?), and a concluding sentence. Your paragraph should have at least 8-10 sentences.

Pls do it correctly!

Respuesta :

As a turkey, I am an avid supporter of animal rights and against the idea of celebrating thanksgiving dinner. Roasted turkey and other animals should not be eaten on a day meant to celebrate the blessings of the year. We, turkeys, should be given the right to participate in a tradition and not be discriminated against because of our species and humans' supposed superiority over animals. Animals are sentient and, thus, we are sufficient for moral status. Timothy Hisao, and many others, believe that animals have a distinctly different moral standing from humans. To this, I reply, that consciousness is a spectrum, not a black-and-white thing. The pain and suffering animals endure is close to or even JUST AS real as that felt by humans.  Others even say that because meat is "just part of the natural order", that overrides our right to live. But they are an alternative to animal meat and through innovation and cooperation between humans and animals could allow us to coexist.


Hey! My name is Turkey and I have a question. Why on Thanksgiving, or any other time, do you eat me? I have family and friends, just like you. I have feelings and emotions, just like you. How would you feel if your loved ones were taken from family and home and never seen again? Take it from me, it's very sad but that's what I go through just for you guys to eat my family. Now, just because you may not understand me doesn't mean I'm not communicating with you. Why eat me, when there are other options such as chickens, cows and others birds? Or we can all live eating apples, carrots, corn, broccoli and other natural vegetables and fruits that come from the earth.

I understand that you may feel it's tradition but there are other ways to celebrate. And I get that eating turkey has became a normal thing in your family but new traditions are made everyday. There's a lot of things that we learned in the past that was wrong, including some of the things we chose to eat.

What if me(Turkey),Chicken,Cow and every others like us began to eat you "humans"? There will be no humans, or at least fewer, at the end. Now is the time to change your decisions of eat less animal species, such as myself, and more fruits and vegetables. Plant based isn't so bad.