The student should have simplified the equation to have y + 8 on the left. Then, the student should have subtracted 8 from both sides of the equation. The value of b should be 4, not 20.

Respuesta :


The linear equation required to solve the problem is missing.

however, i am quoting an example from my sides on similar lines as question


Since the left side is the “x”, or variable side, the 8 is out of place. We must “undo” adding 8 by subtracting 8, and to keep the equality we must subtract 8 from both sides.


Use the Subtraction Property of Equality.  .

Simplify.  .

Now all the variables are on the left and the constant on the right.

The equation looks like those you learned to solve earlier.

Use the Division Property of Equality.  .

Simplify.  .

Check:  .  

Let x=-3.  .  
