Haines was moved by the sight of infant Nurhusein because seeing a 10-month old baby skin-and-bones, a high-spirited child with quick laugh made him cry with empathy.
'Facing Famine' is an article written by Tom Haines. The article is about a time of famine in Africa, when the author went to a part of Africa to cover the story as a travel journalist.
When Haines saw Nurhusein, he cried out of empathy. The village had 1,000 approx family, facing famine, with young children having no food to eat and no water to drink. Nurhusein, is a 10-month old baby, skin-and-bones, yet a high-spirited child. Seeing Nurhusein's thin body and his quick laugh made Haines cry and moved by sight with an empathy.