Which of the following is the CORRECT insulin chain of events?
Food Eaten -> Insulin released by Pancreas-> Insulin binds to Endothelium -> Endothelium releases Nitric Acid -> Blood vessels widen -> Nutrients distributed to individual Cells
Food Eaten -> Nutrients distributed to individual Cells-> Insulin released by Pancreas -> Insulin binds to Endothelium -> Endothelium releases Nitric Acid -> Blood vessels narrow
Food Eaten -> Insulin released by Pancreas -> Endothelium releases Nitric Acid -> Insulin binds to Endothelium -> Blood vessels widen -> Nutrients distributed to individual Cells
Food Eaten -> Insulin released by Pancreas -> Insulin binds to Endothelium -> Blood vessels narrow -> Endothelium releases Nitric Acid -> Nutrients distributed to individual Cells