Respuesta :


Independent variable-amount of water

Dependanot variable-Bounce, vescosit, and stretchiness

Control-Standard Slime




Independent Variable: amount of water

Dependent Variables: bounce, viscosity, and stretchiness

Control: Standard Slime

Constants: type of container and stirring rod


First, let's define some of these terms:

- Independent Variable: the variable that is manipulated or changed in the experiment

- Dependent Variable: the variable that is measured based on changes to the Independent Variable

- Control: the standards to which the experimental group is compared

- Constants: variables that remain the same

Here, we see that we are "varying the amount of water each time". This means we're changing its amount, so the independent variable is amount of water.

The scenario also says that we "measure the bounce, viscosity, and stretchiness" of the slime, so the dependent variables are bounce, viscosity, and stretchiness.

We also "mix up one batch of Standard Slime for comparison", so we know Standard Slime is our control.

Finally, we "use the same type of container and stirring rod", so those are the constants.