Respuesta :


Living Life To Its Fullest

This is my philosophy of life and how to live it. Experience every moment, stay open minded, and cherish life for all that it is. - Pat, not me


Also sub to me, my channel is called Evimeró  Academics the o is accented


My dad who has always helped me

stood by me,

supported me,

loved me,

and believed in me.

My dad who has given advice,

the man who gave me a mom

by marrying a new wife.

My dad who has picked me up when i cried,

listened to my dramatic stories,

and went out of his mind.

My dad who lost the love of his life,

left for weeks

so i can have a good life.

My mom who left me,

gave me nothing,

deserted me,

all she died was hurt me

Drugs took her,

they condemned her

but my dad

My dad who has always helped me

stood by me,

supported me,

loved me,

and believed in me.

hope this helps, :), my life in a poem smh