Before March 1,1989 the use of copyright notice was mandatory on all published works omitting the notice on any work first published before that date could have resulted in the loss of copyright protection if corrective steps were not taken within a certain amount of time The excerpt is from copyright notice an article found in circular 3 a publication of the United states copyright office what is the meaning of the word mandatory in the sentence above ? A. Useful B. Optional C. Required D. Expensive the answer is C. Required

Respuesta :

Before March 1,1989 the use of copyright notice was mandatory on all published works omitting the notice on any work first published before that date could have resulted in the loss of copyright protection if corrective steps were not taken within a certain amount of time The excerpt is from copyright notice an article found in circular 3 a publication of the United states copyright office what is the meaning of the word mandatory in the sentence above?

Its B

Answer: C
