A resource is non renewable because It cannot be replenished in a reasonable amount of time.
About 10% of the world cropland soil is considered seriously as unfit for farming. To improve soil quality, we need to use the system of inter cropping.
The reason why forests are harvested without regard for the consequences for so long is that they were viewed as an un-limited supply of wood.
The principles of ecological forestry are;
The tree harvesting method which removes whole trees in rows in several over several years is strip log.ging.
The reason why this method is not a common strategy for managing forests despite having many benefits is that It does not preserve biodiversity.
Green revolution have impacted food production by growing high yield crops. Technology can lead to greater food insecurity by resisting crops tolerating spraying.
To restore the populations, we can restrict fishing to nets. A resource is nonrenewable because It cannot be replenished in a reasonable amount of time.
Learn more about non
renewable : https://brainly.com/question/1695784