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this prolly doesnt help but here.


Emancipation is the process of freeing slaves through government action. Manumission takes place when masters free their slaves voluntarily. When a government ends slavery completely, the process is known as abolition. Before the Revolution slavery was legal in all thirteen British mainland colonies. Some of the northern colonies allowed masters to manumit their slaves, and there was a significant free black population in all of them. On the eve of the Revolution, voluntary manumission was illegal in most of the South, and even where it was permitted, the practice was not common.

During the Revolution thousands of masters freed slaves who were willing to fight in the American army or local militias. Throughout New England male slaves became free black soldiers, and many were able to gain liberty for their wives and children as well at this time. Even in the South some masters freed slaves so that they could fight in the army. For example, in the legislative session of 1782–1783, Virginia passed a law declaring that all slaves who had served in the army and been honorably discharged were entitled to their freedom and condemning as "contrary to the principles of justice" those masters who tried to reenslave former soldiers.