What do the two passages have in COMMON?

Standardized Testing:
Just What the Teacher Ordered

Standardized testing of students means that all students are given the same test or same kind of
test. Standardized testing can be stressful, but ultimately it is useful for both students and
teachers. The students' scores show the effectiveness of the teacher. If students do not show good
results, the teacher can be held responsible. A student's scores also can be used by teachers to
pinpoint the student's weak areas. Standardized testing makes sure that no student is ever
ignored. Standardized testing also allows teachers to see how the student compares with other
students in other schools or states. In this way, schools can pinpoint if the problem is with the
student or with the school itself. Best of all, standardized tests allow students to be graded
fairly. Students will no longer suffer because a teacher favors certain students. Instead, all students
will be treated the same, regardless of their backgrounds or differences.

Standardized Testing:
A Monster Out of Control

Standardized testing of
students means that all students are given the same test or same kind of
test. Standardized testing is often harmful to students. Standardized testing gives importance only
to what the student puts down on their test. The overall performance of the student in other areas,
such as art and sports doesn't count. Studies have shown that standardized testing causes stress
to both students and teachers. Many teachers only teach test questions. Teaching this way limits
children's imaginations and creativity. Standardized testing also does not take into account the
different backgrounds that children come from and the different problems they may face. Such
tests ignore the uniqueness and differences of students.