The file includes 4993 tweets including the keyword 'election'. Each tweet is represented in a separate line. Write a program to open the file and read through its lines, then only if a tweet includes a hashtag (a term beginning by the

Respuesta :


import re

with open("../../Downloads/Tweets.txt","r", encoding="utf-8") as tweets:

   myfile = tweets.readlines()

   for item in myfile:

       item = item.rstrip()

       mylist = re.findall("^RT (.*) ", item)

       if len(mylist) !=0:

           for line in mylist:

               if line.count("#") >=1:

                   ln = line.split("#")

                   dm = ln[1]



The python source code filters the document file "Tweets" to return all tweets with a hashtag flag, discarding the rest.