Can someone help me making a recursive code. There can't be any loops or global variables. These aren't allowed list.sort(), list.reverse(), list.insert(),
list.remove(), list.index(), list.count(), list.pop(), list.clear(), list.copy(). No LOOPS ALLOWED
CODE SHOULD BE RECURSIVE. Language should be Python.

Can someone help me making a recursive code There cant be any loops or global variables These arent allowed listsort listreverse listinsert listremove listindex class=

Respuesta :

lst = ([])

lst1 = ([])

def count_multiples(num1, num2, N):

   if num1 > num2 and len(lst1) != 1:


       w = num2

       num2 = num1

       num1 = w

   if num1 % N == 0:


   if num1 >= num2:

       return len(lst)

   return count_multiples(num1 + 1, num2, N)


I only use lst.append so this should work. Best of luck.