explain the process finished filling in the steps your ideas would have to go through to become a law at both the federal and state levels of governments

1. Bill introduction you write your federal representative or Senator about your idea who introduces the ideas with Bill in their chamber of Congress
4. the house rules committee set the rules for debate on the bill in the house

1. Bill introduction you write your state legislator about your idea who introduces the idea of the bill in the state legislature
3. committee debates and edit the bill
5. the state senate approves the bill

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1. Have an Idea.

The first step in creating a new law -- or revising an existing law -- is to have an idea of how we can make our country stronger or better. This idea can come from anywhere, including from you!

2. Write a Bill.

After identifying the problem, Members of Congress work to create a law that provides a solution. Sometimes, they will work together to jointly introduce legislation with other Senators. Senators can also collaborate with members of the House of Representatives on legislation so that identical or very similar bills are introduced in both the House and the Senate.

3. Debate in Committee

When a bill is introduced, the Senate Parliamentarian is responsible for deciding which Committee should review the legislation. The chair of the committee may decide to hold a hearing in order to examine the legislation. During a hearing, committee members invite policy experts, agency representatives, and other stakeholders to testify on how the bill will affect the country.

4. Debate on the Senate Floor

After being voted upon favorably by a committee, the bill is referred to the full Senate for a vote. Here, the Majority Leader of the Senate is responsible for deciding when to bring up a piece of legislation for a vote and what type of vote it needs.

5. Work with House Colleagues

Meanwhile, the House of Representatives is responsible for introducing and voting on a companion bill of its own. Just like in the Senate, when a bill is introduced in the House, the House Parliamentarian is responsible for assigning that legislation to a specific House committee or committees for further deliberation.

6. Negotiate Compromises in Conference

Often times, the Senate bill and the House bill will have minor differences in their respective bills that have to be worked out before each chamber can approve the final legislative text and then send it to the President to be signed into law.

7. Send it to the President for a signature

After the conference committee resolves any differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill, each chamber must vote again to approve the final bill text. Once each chamber has approved the bill, the legislation is sent to the President. The President then makes the decision of whether to sign the bill into law or not. If the President signs the bill, it becomes a law. If the President refuses to sign it, the bill does not become a law. When the President refuses to sign the bill, the result is called a veto. Congress can try to overrule a veto. To do this, both the Senate and the House must vote to overrule the President’s veto by a two-thirds majority.

8. Reauthorization

Some laws, especially laws that appropriate funding to new programs, include provisions that require Congress to decide, after a set period of time, whether the legislation is effective and should be renewed, or “reauthorized”. To do this, a new bill must be introduced that renews the provisions of the law, makes any necessary changes to the original law, and offers a new timeline for how long it is active.

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