Respuesta :
The answer depends on the religion you follow.
Based on mine
Our brains cannot function at 100% so some questions we ask we cannot fathom the answer, like how god was created or how he created the universe, angels, humans, and devils.
Why were humans created. The same reason angels were created to serve god. However humans were made uniquely as they can unlike angels use free will. They can choose to be good or choose to be bad like the story of cain and abel. God could have created us stronger, smarter, and 100% righteous but then how different would we be from angels. Why is there bad when god can just get rid of it, if god always interfered why would be given free will. Looking at it from that retrospect this world isn’t for enjoyment it’s a test. A test to see which path we follow wether it is good or bad. This life is finite, everything good we experience on earth is temporary and everything bad is also temporary. So yes we can try to make everything 100% logical and some even leave religion as a hole. But to me I’d rather follow a way of life, a life of boundaries having me commit to leading the good way of life. Because if this life is temporary why get attached when I can have a hope of an afterlife where everything is immortal and all is good. Just as we go to school to get an education, and teachers teach us the basics we need to graduate. We live this life as a test to see which life we lead, and religion teaches us the basics we need to lead a good life straying from the bad so that we may graduate to the afterlife.
Based on mine
Our brains cannot function at 100% so some questions we ask we cannot fathom the answer, like how god was created or how he created the universe, angels, humans, and devils.
Why were humans created. The same reason angels were created to serve god. However humans were made uniquely as they can unlike angels use free will. They can choose to be good or choose to be bad like the story of cain and abel. God could have created us stronger, smarter, and 100% righteous but then how different would we be from angels. Why is there bad when god can just get rid of it, if god always interfered why would be given free will. Looking at it from that retrospect this world isn’t for enjoyment it’s a test. A test to see which path we follow wether it is good or bad. This life is finite, everything good we experience on earth is temporary and everything bad is also temporary. So yes we can try to make everything 100% logical and some even leave religion as a hole. But to me I’d rather follow a way of life, a life of boundaries having me commit to leading the good way of life. Because if this life is temporary why get attached when I can have a hope of an afterlife where everything is immortal and all is good. Just as we go to school to get an education, and teachers teach us the basics we need to graduate. We live this life as a test to see which life we lead, and religion teaches us the basics we need to lead a good life straying from the bad so that we may graduate to the afterlife.