although credit cards are a safe and convenient way to pay for things, it is always best to a. only pay the minimum payment each month. b. have as many cards as you can get. c. plan for credit card payments in the individual or family budget. d. pay them off over as long a time period as possible.

Respuesta :

When dealing with credit cards, there are various factors you are judged on called a credit score.

In this particular instance, C would be the right answer. You should always have the money to pay back your credit card. If you spend $100 on your credit card, make sure you have $100 in your debit account to pay it back. 

If you only make minimum payments, open many credit cards or spend a long time paying them back, you'll have a very very bad credit score (meaning everything will cost more). The difference of monthly payments on a car for example can differ from 200-650$ (for the exact same car) depending on your credit.