Your short story should be 1–2 pages long.
Before submitting your story, make sure your story has
• an exposition, rising action, climax, and a resolution
• a setting, plot, and theme
• imagery to create mood
• a narrator with a consistent point of view
• dialogue to move the plot and show the characters’ ideas and feelings
• consistent verb tense
• a variety of sentence structures—simple, compound, complex
• correct capitalization, punctuation, and spelling

I will give brainest to who ever has the best

Respuesta :

Alright, here is the story :)


The Journey of the Albatross


               There once was a family of Albatrosses. There was a mother named Caroline, a 2-year-old daughter named Unna and a hatchling named Filly. One day Caroline the mother was looking for worms for her Young’uns. She flew very low to search, then walked. She couldn’t find not one. So she flew 2 miles where there was more dirt. Still no sign. It had been 4 hours. Still no sign. Her family was getting very hungry. Caroline dug through the dirt, dug through the trees, tried everything. No sign of worms. Caroline was very tired. She decided it was better for her to check on her family then to continue to look for worms when there is none to find.


               It took Caroline hours to try and get back home. Suddenly, Caroline found a tunnel she recognized when she came to look for more worms. It was 3 sections in the tunnel. Caroline thought she remembered that she went through the middle tunnel so she flew through. Everything looked familiar! Caroline was so happy! She chirped loudly which she seemed to say “I’m coming home my young’uns!” Suddenly, when Caroline flew through, everything didn’t look the same. It didn’t look like it did before. Caroline was lost. Everything looked blurred, everything looked gloomy, and everything started to darken. Caroline was sad. She started to doubt that she was a good mother. Caroline shut her eyes and took a nap for an hour. Eventually, she went into deep sleep. She dreamed of her young’uns crying for their mother, screaming, shouting. And suddenly 1 of them died. It was Unna. The one that loved Caroline the most. But Unna was dancing with Caroline. It seemed as if Caroline and her daughter Unna were dead. But that was just a dream. Suddenly Caroline woke up by a weird feeling on her wing. It tickled. Caroline slowly opened her eyes and rose up from her deep sleep. She looked over and as crazy as it can sound, she found a worm on her wing! Instantly, Caroline slurped up the worm to save for her young’uns. Caroline was shocked. How could she find a worm in a tunnel? But she didn’t focus on that thought too much longer. She had lives to save! She got out of the tunnel, then she found another bird and she asked the bird where the city was. He told her the directions and she flew right to the bank and looked for the tree that was next to the bank and found she young’uns. They 2, were healthy and alive. But there was an extra bird in the nest. Who was the third bird? Her young’uns told Caroline their mother that the other male albatross was taking care of them while she was gone. Caroline talked to the new albatross and they liked each other. They mated and Caroline was having more eggs. They were all happy together and they lived happily ever after.

The End