I found a mouse in my sister's room today, and its 37 degrees outside and windy. The mouse was bitten by my cat, not terribly, but its definitely still in shock, or so it has been for three hours. I've been keeping it in a small plastic container, wrapped up in tissues and a dish cloth. I have a heating pad wrapped around the container and a small pile of cooked rice next to the mouse. What should I do? I can't bring myself to put it out of its misery by smashing it with a rock or something. Do you think there's a chance it will survive? Should I release it now? It doesn't move at all but it is breathing, I see the chest moving. Advice? Tips?

Respuesta :


DO NOT KILL OR PUT DOWN the poor little guy. I have faced a similar situation where my family found a week, injured opossum. The mouse you found still has a life to live, and you should honor that. Take him/her to a vet to see what you can do for him/her. I'm sure you can find a medication to treat the bites. Then, also try looking for a wildlife rescue center. They specialize in these areas and can provide medical treatment as well as a place for the little one to live. Also, keep the mouse inside and find a space to let him/her rest, such as a bathtub or large box. I wish you and your mouse luck!


You should just put it outside if there is nothing left to do.


Let nature take its course, remember if that guy saved the Zebra everytime then Lions would never eat and die.

Universidad de Mexico