Your friend turns the volume up on their speaker system, so that the sound intensity is 4 times greater than it was beforehand. By what factor has the energy output of the speaker system increased?

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We know that intensity I = P/A where P = power and A = area through which the power passes through.

Now, let the initial intensity of the speaker be I₀ and its initial power be P₀. Since the intensity is increased by a factor of 4, the new intensity be I and new power be P.

So, I = P/A and I₀ = P₀/A

Now, if I = 4I₀,

P/A = 4P₀/A

P = 4P₀

Now, energy E = Pt, where t = time. So, P = E/t and P₀ = E₀/t

Substituting P and P₀ into the equation, we have

P = 4P₀

E/t = 4E₀/t

E = 4E₀

Since the energy is four times the initial energy, the energy output increases by a factor of 4.