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Most children at the age of 11 had always thought that their friends would stick close to them forever, whilst I on the other hand knew the dreaded truth of losing a friend. When transferring to middle school I presumed that my child hood friends from elementary would come with me, though it was only then I knew they would not. I had thankfully been in contact with them, and we regularly talked every now and then after school. Although, soon enough we lost contact with each other. Day by day we would call less, saying that we had school work or after school activities, until we didn’t contact at all. I have tried calling to see how my friend is, although despite trying to reconnect, I only then realized that they wouldn’t pick up the phone or contact back. “When losing something, one also gains something”, so by losing my long time friend, I had gained new friends. Currently, I am in (whatever school like middle school/high school) and I have new friends which I could count on. I just hope that we stick together, because to me, friendships count.