Respuesta :

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs.

Answer 1: Es extraño que Marta llegue tan tarde.

Translation 1: It's strange that Marta is so late.

Answer 2: Juan tiene miedo de que su novia se mude.

Translation 2: Juan is afraid that his girlfriend will move out.

Answer 3: Nos ####### que ustedes no cuiden mejor la casa.

Translation 3: It bothers us that you don't take better care of the house.

Answer 4: Es triste estar tan lejos de la familia.

Translation 4: It is sad to be so far from family.

Answer 5: Ojalá no haya tráfico en el centro.

Translation 5: Hopefully there is no traffic downtown.

Answer 6: Mario y su esposa temen perderse en el bosque.

Translation 6: Mario and his wife fear getting lost in the woods.

#######: forbidden words


for some reason the picture is blank and cannot see nothing.