Time Order/Chronological Order: In the short story, "Thank You M'am," Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones helps a boy who tries to steal her purse make a change for the better. Explain in time order the events that lead to the boy becoming a better person at the end of the story

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From the short story "Thank You M'am":

It all started when Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones was walking home from work at about eleven o'clock. Then a boy ran behind her and wanted to snatch her purse. Just then, the boy tripped and fell on his back. Immediately, Mrs. Jones turned, fell on the boy and grapped him. The boy started begging to be released. At this time, some people gathered to watch what was happening.

Afterwards, Mrs. Jones dragged the boy to her house. When they got to the house, Mrs. Jones asked him of his name and he said "Rogers". Also, Mrs. Jones asked him why he wanted to steal her pocketbook and Rogers said he wanted to get suede shoes. At this time, Mrs. Jones released the boy and ordered him to wash his face while she prepared something for them to eat.

As soon as the food was ready, they ate together. Then the woman adviced Rogers never to try what he did again to her or to anybody else. She gave him 10 dollars to get the suede shoes he wanted and finally released him to go. Finally, she led him down the hall and opened the door for him. The boy managed to say "Thank You". He never saw the woman again.


This is the time order of the events that took place that made the boy in "Thank You, M'am" a better person at the end of the story.

When things are placed in a time order, they are placed chronologically according to how they happened. Time order shows how an event took place from the beginning to the end.

From the short story, we can how the event started from the time the boy wanted to snatchsl the woman's bag to the time the woman brought the boy to her house, adviced him and released him to go.