
Are fast food companies to blame for the rising obesity population and if people had a better understanding of how bad diet and poor nutrition affects them, would people make more of an effort to eat healthy? 5 paragraphs​

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Yes, fast food companies are to blame for the rising obesity population. Fast food companies cause most of this problem because meats and food products that are sold in that company are heavily processed. The people that raise the animals feed chickens and cows artificial seed or food that makes the animals sick. Soon these animals die off from the disease and those are the animals that the farmers sell to fast food companies. On top of the infected animals, that meat is processed. This is what causes people to develop fat and get sick when they eat fast food.

Studies show that over the past 30 years 60% of just adults are overweight or obese and 20.6% of children from 12 reaching to 19 are obese. This is just a small amount of Americans that are obese because of products from fast food  companies.In 2001, the US Surgeon General released a report raising concerns about the growing obesity epidemic; this report was the first to note that obesity and obesity-related diseases might soon overtake smoking as the leading cause of preventable death in the United States.

Most scientists say that eating meat from fast food places such as Taco Bell is worse than smoking five cigars. While obesity is clearly a major public health issue in the United States, the increase of obesity is not limited to this country; obesity is now a global epidemic. Over the past 10 years, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized the increasing number of people who are overweight or obese, and attention is now being given to the global implications associated with this trend.

While the WHO still uses BMI to identify individuals who are overweight or obese, mounting evidence suggests that a pattern of central adiposity is more accurate in predicting obesity-related cardiovascular consequences.A benefit of this type of information is leading people to better understand how bad their diet is and more people are switching diets to a more healthy lifestyle.People around America are putting more effort into not only eating healthy but exercising.For some people it is hard to keep a healthy diet and this causes the data of obese people to shift.

The average daily per capital intake of TFAs (trans fat)in the U.S. has been shown to increase heart disease risk by 25%, and most leading health organizations have advocated the complete removal of TFAs from foods.108–110 To achieve this objective, however, consumers would need to read labels and become educated about the TFA content of food, and healthcare providers would need to provide counsel on TFA-free options. In 2003, the US Food and Drug Administration required all packaged goods to reveal the amount of trans fat if it exceeded 0.5 g.108,111 However, the food industry has circumvented these labeling requirements.


I hope this helps