Think about a famous athlete or person in the world of fitness. Choose your favorite athlete and research how they maintain cardiorespiratory fitness. Top athletes devote an incredible amount of time and energy to their sport. They are 100% dedicated to achieving the best level of fitness that they can. Unless your goal is to become an elite athlete, you would not need to train as hard as your role model but sometimes having someone to look up to can help motivate you with your current fitness goals.

Here are the requirements for this assignment:

Pick an athlete or person in the world of fitness as your fitness role model
Describe why you chose this role model and why they inspire you
Describe what sport or fitness activity your role model participates in
Describe at least one of their main accomplishments in their sport (Olympics, Wimbledon, Super Bowl, etc.)
Describe a fitness quote or motto that your role model lives by
Describe their cardiorespiratory fitness workout plan in the off-season (include how many days per week they train, how long each session lasts and what types of activities they do)
Describe their cardiorespiratory fitness workout plan in season (include how many days per week they train, how long each session lasts and what types of activities they do)
Describe how your role model can help keep you motivated and focused on your fitness goals for this course
Describe if they use any special equipment for their workouts to achieve cardiorespiratory fitness (pedometer, heart rate monitors, etc.)
Include a hyperlink to an image, video or article about your role model
Please Help

Respuesta :


The rock would be the easiest to research on this
