Respuesta :
Answer:She had once been a star and had done battle with the Black Thing, which is why she has fallen into her current form.
Answer: The first chapter of L'Engle's book introduces us to the main characters of the novel and sets up the principal conflicts that each must surmount int he course of their respective journeys. For Meg, no doubt the main character, her conflict involves rising above her seemingly low self-esteem to embrace her own idiosyncrasy and unique abilities. Here we see all the hints of foreshadowing that will unite to incite her towards adventure and discovery - her melancholy feelings at lacking a father, her separation from other students her age, and a feeling of being unsettled in the real world.
Meg certainly wishes she could be more like her younger twin brothers, who are both described as B students, athletic, and clearly part of the crowd at school that easily fits in.