"The Bicycle's fist Century
Two centuries ago, bicycles did not look like the bikes you know today. Invented by a Frenchman around 1790, the first bicycle had two wheels and a wooden frame. It worked like a scooter. Then, in 1816, a German improved on this design. He connected a bar to the front wheel. This allowed the rider to steer the bicycle. Later, in 1839, a Scottish blacksmith made yet another improvement. He added foot pedals, which let riders put force on the wheels. Now bicycles could move faster.
2 In the 1870s, the “high-wheel” bicycle appeared. It was called this because the front wheel was far larger than the rear wheel. The pedals turned the front wheel only, but the size of that wheel meant that each turn of the pedals took the rider a greater distance than before. On the high-wheel bicycle, the rider sat up high, over the front wheel. Consequently, when the large front wheel struck a rut or rock in the road, the rider could be pitched head-first over the front of the bicycle! The highwheel bicycle wasn’t very safe.
3 In 1885, an Englishman made the first “safety” bicycle. The bicycle was now beginning to look more like the modern one you see every day. Its front and rear wheels were the same size, and sprockets and chains linked the pedals and the rear wheel. In the 1890s, inventors added air-filled rubber tires. Then came a coaster brake and adjustable handlebars. The first hundred years of the bicycle—from 1790 to the 1890s—brought many changes, and the next century would bring even more improvements.
Reread paragraph 1.
Choose the two statements that best tell why the bicycle was a better machine by 1839.
A A bar allowed the rider to steer.
A A bar allowed the rider to steer.
B A wooden frame meant that the bicycle was lighter.
B A wooden frame meant that the bicycle was lighter.
C Foot pedals meant that bicycles could move faster.
C Foot pedals meant that bicycles could move faster.
D The first bicycles could move like a scooter.
D The first bicycles could move like a scooter.
E The front wheel was larger than the rear wheel.
E The front wheel was larger than the rear wheel.