1- Popular sovereignty
2- Limited government
3- Separation of powers
4- Checks and balances
5- Federalism
The Founders were especially concerned with making sure no single person could become an all- powerful leader, so Article 2 requires the president to take an oath promising to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Article 6 also requires members of Congress, judges, and government of cials at both the federal and state levels to take an oath to support the Constitution.
Moreover, the Constitution does not make government of cials immune from the law. Article 1 allows members of Congress to be prosecuted for crimes and sued for other violations; Article 2 allows the president to be removed from of ce for “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors”; and Article 3 speci es that judges serving a lifetime appointment keep their jobs “during good Behaviour.”