
37. It has been said that male maturity involves being responsible, caring and
emotionally available. Which of the characters in this film most
completely approached that goal at the beginning of the film? What about
at the end?
38. Did Will Hunting have a responsibility to himself or to society to develop
his talent to solve math problems?
39. Often, characters who break away from their home cultures and explore
new ways of relating to the world find resistance from their friends and
family. How are the events of this movie different than that situation?
40. Why is Acting Ethically an Important Value?
The movie is Good Will Hunting

Respuesta :


Explanation:It has been said that male maturity involves bein

Will Hunting have a responsibility to himself or to society to develop

his talent to solve math problems?

39. Often, characters who break away from their home cultures and explore

new ways of relating to the world find resistance from their friends and

family. How are the events of this movie different than that situation?