Beatrice goes shopping at her local book store for something new to read. She plucks a book off the shelf, flips it open, and reads the following excerpt:

“It was the harshest, most miserable winter in memory. I was certain Valley Forge would be the end of me and my fellow soldiers. My musket was full, but my water skin was empty. One man’s shoes had been worn down to nothing during the march. He tied cowhides to his feet. But on he marched for the general and our Continental Army. I admired his conviction. I ignored the biting cold and continued on.”

Beatrice believes the story is set during the American Revolution. Which two pieces of textual evidence from the excerpt support her conclusion?

“admired his conviction” and “ignored the biting cold and continued on”
“harshest, most miserable winter in memory” and “Valley Forge would be the end of me”
“shoes had been worn down to nothing during the march” and “He tied cowhides to his feet”
“musket was full, but my water skin was empty” and “the general and our Continental Army”