1. Independent variable- paper clips
Dependent variable- how far it will fly.
Control- mass of plane
Constant- type of plane
2. independent variable- using calculators
dependent variable- who will answer the questions faster
Control- the time the groups get done with the math problems
Constant- the math problems
3. Independent variable- Age of children
Dependent variable- the time it takes to complete the puzzle.
Constant- The type of puzzle
4. Independent variable- Amount of coffee grounds
Dependent variable- The taste of the coffee
Constants(3)- The same kind of coffee, same type of water, and the same perking time.
Explanation: The dependent variable depends on the independent variables change. For example: The amount of coffee grounds determine the taste of the coffee. The coffee grounds would be the independent variable because the dependent variable is the taste of the coffee, and the taste of the coffee determines on how much coffee grounds we use. Constants are the things that stay the same during the experiment. For example: We use the same brand of coffee throughout the experiment, so the brand of coffee is our constant. The controls are the things that do change. For example: The paper clips on the plane weighed the plane down more and more each experiment. So, the control would be the amount of paper clips used each test. The mass could also be a control in this experiment because the change in the paper clips changes the mass of the plane. I did this in 7th grade, and i am in 11th, so I know this is correct. I hope this helps you:)