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The Earth and its Biodiversity is a living laboratory
The importance of preserving Earth's Biodiversity remains on the idea that every single living organism that existed here on Earth is an example of how Nature can express itself. This means that we as humans can learn with every mechanism that has been developed through millions of years and apply to our self been.
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The preservation of the biodiversity of the Earth is important for many ecological, economic, and cultural reasons.
Biodiversity increases ecosystem stability for a given type of ecosystem because greater species diversity ensures natural sustainability of all life forms within the ecosystem. Ecosystems are also highly interconnected and the removal of even a few species can cause ecosystem disruption.
The organisms of Earth's ecosystems provide services that humans cannot replicate. These ecosystem services include the generation of soil that is typically done by microbial and animal species, the maintenance of air quality that is done by plants, the decomposition of wastes that is done by the Earth's decomposers, and the maintenance of water quality that is done by wetland ecosystems.