Independent variable - sitting in music or silence
Dependent variable - pulse and blood pressure
Control group - the group that sat in silence
Constants - the type of music
When you're conducting an experiment, it's important to keep track of the variables. The independent variable is the variable the experimenter controls. It's assumed to have a direct effect on the dependent variable. The independent variable in this experiment is whether the participants are sitting in music or silence, and the dependent variable affected by it are the participants' pulse and blood pressure.
The control group is the group that isn't exposed to the independent variable, while the group exposed to it is called the experimental group.
In order to determine the effect of the independent variable, we need to keep the rest of the conditions constant. In this experiment, it's important to keep the participants exposed to the same type of music. If the music they were exposed to was different, we could consider the type of music another independent variable.