Respuesta :
PAPER SALES(650 words)
SALESMAN sits at a small table, typing on his LAPTOP.
LAPTOP displays a website for a print shop, with several other similar tabs open.
SALESMAN nods, seeming satisfied, and closes his LAPTOP, leaving the shop.
SHOP OWNER is writing something at the counter when SALESMEN enters, the entry bell chiming.
OWNER: Can I help you?
SALESMAN(smiling): Yes sir, if you have a spare moment?
OWNER(setting down his pen): Of course. What do you need? You want something printed?
SALESMAN(shaking OWNER's hand): No, actually, I'm John, I'm a sales representative from GreenInk Incorporated, you might have heard of us? We're a new startup, we sell top-notch recycled paper goods, and I was hoping you might be interested in buying some of our stock. It's one-hundred percent recycled from discarded paper goods, with a ninety-three percent lowered impact on the environment.
OWNER(skeptical): I'm sorry, but I've seen recycled paper before, and as much as I love helping the planet, my customers have come to expect a certain standard from me. I don't want to disappoint them with subpar stock, even if it's for a good cause.
SALESMAN opens a briefcase and hands OWNER some samples.
SALESMAN: Actually, our paper is some of the best on the market. Four out of five customers polled couldn't tell the difference between our recycled paper and our competitors' wares.
OWNER(nodding): Hmm, interesting. You're right, I can barely tell these from my current stocks... But I'm guessing the price can't possibly be the same, what are your rates?
SALESMAN hands OWNER a pamphlet marked with prices.
OWNER(furrowing brow): Your base prices are good, but your bulk discounts aren't close to what I'm getting now.
SALESMAN: That's true, but did you look at our waste recycling rates? If you buy our stock, we offer a buyback plan for all your disposed paper goods, even waste from other companies' products. We'll pay you back fifteen percent of your costs.
OWNER(considering): I don't know... Let me think about it, I do like your product and your cause, but I'm just not sure about those prices.
SALESMAN: Listen, my company really would love to have you as our customer, I'll tell you what. I think I can work out an extra five percent discount for your store if you can place your order this month. Does that make a difference for you?
OWNER(grinning, shaking SALESMAN's hand): I think we have a deal.
Conversation continues wrapping up and the deal is signed as sound fades.
SALESMAN is on the phone, waiting for OWNER to pick up.
OWNER(in his store): Hello, this is Douglas Print Shop speaking, how can I help you?
SALESMAN: Hello! This is John from GreenInk, we talked a couple weeks ago, I'm just calling to see how you're doing with your order? Is everything going smoothly?
OWNER: Oh, yes, it's going fine! I just got my first shipment in yesterday, it's very satisfactory so far. My old customers like it just as well, and I'm getting a few new sales because I can advertise that I've gone green.
SALESMAN: I'm glad to hear it! Sounds like it's all gone off without a hitch, that's wonderful. I notice you have two more months of orders planned. If you're happy with our product, would you like me to set you up with the six month rates? It's three percent lower, and I could apply it to the orders you've already placed for you.
OWNER: Yes, that'd be great, thank you.
SALESMAN: Perfect, I'll hook you up with that then. If there's nothing else you need, I'll go do that now. Thank you for your business, sir!
OWNER: Alright, thank you! It's been a pleasure doing business with you.