So I didnt feel like doing this so I looked it up and nobody had an answer, so I figured I would do it myself and answer it on here. I'm doing the program oddysseyware, and in the reading for the question its states that the writing should be about the civil war. Heres what I wrote:
(Also it is 131 words)
In April of 1861, the civil war was formally bugan after southern forces had brought fire upon south Carolina. During this time women's roles changed drastically. Numerous women were left at home to fend for themselves, keep a family going, or maintain a business. Other women went a little more outside the bounds and spied for their cause or followed a particular unit as a daughter of the regiment. There even have been numerous discoveries of women who disguised themselves as men to serve as soldiers. An 1896 story about Mary Stevens Jenkins, who died in 1881, tells an equally brief tale. She enlisted in a Pennsylvania regiment when still a schoolgirl, remained in the army two years, received several wounds, and was discharged without anyone ever realizing she was female.