A young man, he walked with his family to go to school. The school teacher from poets famous (famous) Homer and Vergil, about philosophers (philosophers) Aristotle and Lucretius, about the famous men Pericles and Julius Caesar.
The boys walked to school; In the girl's house with their mother (with their mother) worked. The girls (to their mother) gave aid. My mother (mother) was an example of the Roman matron; girls were Roman.
* The youth, adolescents in. = Young man
* The (+ acc.) = About
* Important, from, um famous
* = Homer and Virgil Homer and Vergil (these are the names of famous poets 2)
* Aristotle and Lucretius = Aristotle and Lucretius (these are the names of famous philosophers 2)
* Pericles and Julius Caesar = Pericles and Julius Caesar (these are the names of 2 famous historical figured from Ancient Greece and Rome)
* Mentor, had F. = matron