Using the Messi Article PowerPoint, please respond to the following prompt:

Do you believe the source is provides an accurate description of the past? (Do you trust this source?)

Please remember to respond in COMPLETE sentences. You may use the sentence starters provided, however you MUST add your own details into the sentence starters to make a complete idea.

1) After reading the article "Messi Taking Steroids", I believe this article (CAN / CANNOT) be trusted.

2) One reason I believe this article (CAN / CANNOT) be trusted is... (Provide a reason for why you can or cannot trust the article)

3) This reason is important to consider because... (Give evidence to show why your reason in sentence #2 proves or disproves the article...why is it important?)

4) Another reason I believe this article (CAN / CANNOT) be trusted is... (Provide a second reason for why you can or cannot trust the article)

5) This reason is important to consider because... (Give evidence to show why your reason in sentence #4 proves or disproves the article...why is it important?)

6) For these reasons, I believe that the article "Messi Taking Steroids" (CAN / CANNOT) be trusted.

***Copy and Paste each of these sentence starters (with your added details) into the text box below to create your paragraph. This is the ONLY question you need to answer from the PowerPoint, however you can use information from the other questions to help you draw your conclusion.