PLEASE HELP! Can someone give me a second opinion/help proofread my argumentative essay?

Prompt: Write an argumentative essay for or against setting long-term goals to land a dream job.

A goal is an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envision, plan, and commit to achieving. Long-term goals are goals that take a long time to achieve or are set to help you succeed later in life. Setting long-term goals in life can set you up for success to land a dream job in the future.

One reason goal setting sets you up for success is because it prepares you for obstacles that you might face in life. Part of achieving goals is facing obstacles that can get in the way of getting what you want and continuing in life. When facing obstacles you often have to learn how to get past and overcome them. Learning strategies and acquiring resources to get past obstacles to become a daily necessity for everybody to be successful in life. Being prepared is of utmost importance to land your dream job.

Setting your life up for success can help you stay focused and motivated to achieve your dream job. Staying focused and motivated can often be tough when achieving your goals. Sometimes you make mistakes or fail, which can make you less motivated. Making mistakes and failing is a part of life, everyone makes mistakes. Mistakes make room for learning, learning how to not make them again and make you stronger and better prepared and can keep a person with long-term goals with a positive view. Staying focused is important because your work reflects how focused and concentrated you are. Giving your full attention and productivity will reflect on the quality of your work by how organized, detail-oriented, and how effective your work is. Maintaining motivation and focus is important to land your dream job.

Long-term goals are very important when it comes to wanting to land your dream job, but are not always seen as necessary for several reasons. It is good to be thinking about your future and long-term goals but throughout everyone's life people change, the world changes, and therefore career paths often change. Young people should be developing diverse strengths and interests when following their career paths to be prepared since goals can change and often have to change jobs and careers throughout their lives. This means that being creative and have to learn to adapt to different life situations, which can be done by pursuing a variety of interests. Diversity gives you access to a greater range of talent and abilities, which could prove necessary later in a person's life. Overall it is important to make long-term goals but a person should be more open to the thought of their goals changing throughout their lives and being prepared for that to happen.

Setting long-term goals in life can set you up for success to land a dream job in the future. It is important to be prepared and do your best to stay focused as well as motivated to be successful when achieving your goals. It is also important to do our best to be open-minded and have a diverse set of abilities to be successful. To land a dream job long-term goals are as necessary as they are proven to set a person up for success.

Respuesta :


I think you should revise the length of your sentences, a few of them are a little too long.  Your ideas are well thought out and explained though!




Try not to repeat to many of the same things in one paragraph unless your stating your point.

other than that its fine tbh.