I need some sentences for these 14 words
Accursed- Used to express strong dislike of or anger toward someone or something
Vagabonds- A person who wanders from place to place without a home or job
Confiding- Trust (someone) enough to tell them of a secret or private matter.
Exterminating- Destroy Completely
Boon- A favor or request.
Valiant- Possessing or showing courage or determination.
Unsparing- Given freely and generously
Stratagem- A plan or scheme, especially one used to outwit an opponent or achieve an end.
Ambush-A surprise attack by people lying in wait in a concealed position.
Vassal- A person or country in a subordinate position to another.
Vile- Morally bad; wicked. Or extremely unpleasant
Pusillanimous- Showing a lack of courage or determination; timid.
Yoke- Rob; mug.
Subjugation- To defeat and gain control of (someone or something) by the use of force